Question is . . . or rather, questions are: “Why the skateboarding turtles?” And, “How come you take such a long hiatus between posting to this here blog?”
No simple answers. On the other hand, it's not too complicated either.
Question #2: Been too busy, or at least trying to look too busy.
Question #1: Well, the rapid reptiles are sort of a metaphor; indicating the Encinitas Whiting lifestyle.
You do believe that, don't you?
Bella has another three weeks to complete her Dog Obedience Course. She'll be so smart we'll soon be doing the obeying. Probably have to get a larger mortarboard for her swelled canine cranium too.
Speaking of time left, this VINCENT strip is the next to last one which views the waning days of the magic convention. After such a great adventure what can possibly compare for our short sorcerer?
Next up, the syndicated LI'L ONES and WEE WOMEN. Which is your favorite?
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The fact that you've come back to see what's happening in Jim's Muses makes me glad
I hope this final muse will amuse.
Looking forward to a connection with you in February . . . if not sooner.
Oh, by the way, I know that older eyes need all the help they can get ... so I hope you appreciate the larger type here. No extra charge.